Davide Santangelo

developer - dad. In love with #ruby, #rails and #python - developer at @chorally

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

RSS as RESTful. This service allows you to transform RSS feed into an awesome API.
Ruby gem to inspect completely a web page. It scrapes a given URL, and returns you its meta, links, images more.
A tiny JSON storage service. Create, Read, Update, Delete and Search JSON data.
Simple search interface around FeediRSS API.
JavaScript 52 6
A tiny Ruby wrapper around Hunter (former EmailHunter) API (https://hunter.io/)
Twitter Unfollower Notification Service. Keep track when someone unfollow you on Twitter.
This is a Ruby wrapper library around the API provided by REST Countries http://restcountries.eu
Simple fetching data from GitHub API with react and axios.
JavaScript 9 5
simple API for encrypt/decrypt text
Ruby 8 0
This is a Rails implementation of "Conway's Game of Life." Conway's game is a mathematical simulation where cells live or die based on certain rules.
Ruby 8 5
Vue.js + GitHub REST API + Tailwind CSS
This is a Ruby wrapper library around the API provided by Geoplugin (http://www.geoplugin.com).
Ruby 6 1

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.